RC car: record of research online to choose the insurance policy

RC car: record of research online to choose the insurance policy

Online searches regarding the RC cars made in the five years 2008-2013 by Italian consumers grew by 185%, a percentage that drops slightly, to a still very good 128%, if one includes all other types of insurance. This was revealed by the study "Digital Insurance In Italy, The Time To Act Is Now" produced by The Boston Consulting Group in collaboration with Google.

Italians, therefore, are more likely to rely on the network to decide which insurance to buy, with a direct impact on the entire sector, even when the final purchase is then completed offline. The result is that insurance premiums influenced by research on the net today are worth 36 billion euro, with a growing trend, while technological innovation and the use of new tools for free in the hands of the users are helping to rewrite the dynamics development and sustainability of the insurance business.

In this context, an increasingly decisive role is played by mobile devices. Today in Italy 24 million people use a smartphone and by 2018 will be 37 million. Consequently, the research carried out by insurance smartphones (of all kinds, from life insurance policies, health and home to the RC car, until the insurance km, etc.) Have grown by an average of 155% per year over the past six years.

Conversely there are still few insurance companies that use digital as a strategic business and seize new growth opportunities. Even today, for example, some of the major insurance groups in Italy do not have a website designed and developed specifically for mobile devices. Yet only on prevention damage, according to the estimates of the report of BCG, for the companies there would be the possibility of increasing the operating margins of up to 2% of the premiums properly exploiting the digital.

Because insurance customers would be able to relate differently with his own company, using more frequently and effectively with new tools that offers digital technology. More than half of those in Italy who owns an insurance damage claims in fact to desire interaction with your company both in person but also online, while a good 15% is ready for a relationship solely through remote channels. Perhaps a boost in this sense will the new Regulation dell'IVASS, approved in recent days, that promotes the use of technological innovation with the obligatory introduction of certified electronic mail, electronic signatures and electronic payment instruments also in form online.

How it Works General Insurance

How General Insurance Works

Do You Want To Know How Insurance Works?
Insurance is Giving You Protection for Your Family

It's funny if we do not know how insurance works when very often we hear the word insurance, of course, you also have very often heard it not. But that does not matter, because all the unlikely event we need to know that there we just need to learn as much as possible, including also learn about insurance in this article will soon be my pillowcase. Actually studying insurance is not difficult, so simple in fact everyone can learn it because basically the principle of how insurance works is also very simple, easy to understand, how it works is simply to manage risk, any risk depending on the type of insurance, insurance companies manage risk which is owned by its customers (policyholders) then the risk will be for customers throughout the other. More simply, you try to pay attention to the following illustration:

How it Works Insurance Illustration
We assume there are 100 vendors have stalls, 100 traders estimated 5 traders will suffer losses due to catastrophic loss stalls. Each of the disaster in the estimate will result in a loss of 50 million, bringing the total loss of 5 traders amounted to 250 million. If it is assumed that 100 traders pay a premium per year at 3 million per trader to insurance companies, it will be collected funds amounting to 300 million. Then the funds will be used by the company to cover claims losses experienced by traders who suffered the disaster. This is the basic sample of how insurance works.

From the above example, can look at that how something like the actual insurance as well as social gathering, it's just who suffered losses do not wait their turn but goes according to what it is.

Process How it Works Insurance Company
Basically the process of how the insurance company is very simple as I demonstrated above, the outline of how it works is actually just passing through three stages, namely:
1. Attract customers (policyholders), which means that insurance companies are looking for people who will become customers (buying insurance). Please know that the company will classify customers based on the type of insurance, such as health insurance, then the company will classify those who buy health insurance into one, including the funds that will be collected, and also claim damages done. So any kind of insurance is not mixed into one, but grouped based on the type of insurance.

2. Raise funds (premium), after you purchase your insurance company will then later withdraw funds from you, which will be made in the appropriate type of insurance that you buy with the funds of other clients.

3. Pay the claim, then after the money has been raised, then the funds will be used by the company to pay claims will be undertaken by each customer to claim damages. Before paying a claim, the insurance company will certainly conduct an investigation prior to the claim that in doing, whether the claims of the loss actually occurs not on purpose or accidentally, if a loss occurs because the accident then the insurance company will not pay the claim.

The amount of funds (premium) Should You Pay To Vendor Insurance
To determine how much premium you must pay to the company, the company has its own criteria, criteria-kriterian are as follows:
1. The amount of potential losses
2. The value of potential losses
3. Administrative costs
4. Threshold values ​​of error when assessing potential losses
5. Assessments others in need
This determination criteria will be used by companies to determine premiums as precisely as possible, because if the company incorrectly specify (such as the premium is too small), the company will incur a loss. That's why insurance companies do not play in determining the amount of the premium.

What Can You Insure
Please know that not all risks can be insured only certain risks that can be insured, it is not possible too right you insure goods or other non-essential, such as scissors, paper, or others that are not material. So the insurance company will only accept purchase insurance with the following provisions:
1. Can the value financially
2. Sign in one type of insurance offered by the company
3. There are a number of people with the same risk
4. Eligible for the insured (value material and insurance interests)
So before you buy insurance, make sure that the insured risk that you will meet the provisions above.
Okay, maybe that's just a review about how insurance works in general that I can give, I hope I hope the discussion of how insurance works above might make you know and understand the system work the insurance company.

See You Next Time in Another Post

Life Insurance, Why We Must Have it?

Life Insurance, Why We Must Have it?

Who can guess our life's journey ? Will it always be fun, healthy and happy as imagined? Each person would expect a comfortable living conditions, but we must realize that any of our expectations about life, God who determines all.

Maybe now we HEALTHY but one hour into the future, could be a sudden we SICK ... ..
Maybe this time we GALORE WEALTH but 3 months, to just eat it HARD ... ..
Maybe this time we are a company DIRECTOR but 6 months, to send children alone UNABLE ... ..

Life is full of mystery, we will not know what will happen in the future. Therefore, in anticipation of less favorable conditions, it takes an investment / savings protector that can cover our needs were unexpected in the future, namely by having insurance.

Each person would not expect the disaster and a wide range of risks such as illness, disability, death, accidents, house fires, loss of property and so on. But can not be denied that all that we can experience, without permission and came suddenly. What would happen if we did not have any grip, do not have money even no one who could help us? Difficult is not it?

Well, this is where insurance plays a role in our lives. When we do not have the ability and preparation to deal with these risks, we need insurance. Simply, let insurers are working according to the procedure to guarantee our lives but do not forget that to get the facility of insurance coverage, we are obliged to pay premiums on a regular basis as an investment in the future of our lives.

Insurance is one form of risk control is done by way of transfer / transfer of risk from one party to another party in this case is an insurance company. The main function of insurance is risk transfer, fundraising and premiums are balanced. A secondary function of insurance is to stimulate business growth, prevent loss, damage control, and social benefits as savings. While insurance is an additional function as investment funds and invisible earnings.

Speaking of insurance, in the USA there are many insurers that offer various advantages according to your needs. Various insurance that we often hear is life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, accident insurance, education insurance, home insurance, car insurance, annuity insurance, etc. Each person would have a different perspective about insurance, many received positively but not infrequently also flatly refused to have insurance. So, what is in the minds of the public when it was offered insurance? Approximately answer them like this:

1. "I am not interested in taking insurance. I'm Sorry…"

It answers a very normative society when there is an offer insurance with very simple answer for no apparent reason. Even when an agent of an insurance company has not finished explaining overall, people are often rejected even consider such agents as a nuisance. Okay, this is very reasonable because maybe this time you really feel not need insurance.

ADVICE: We recommend that you listen to the explanation of the insurance agent with an open mind and a calm and understand all the advantages of insurance offered. It could have all the advantages in accordance with what you need for this. Thus, the positive thinking of the insurance.

2. "The necessities of life has been strangled. How happens if pay plus insurance per month? .... "

It also answers a very sensible when we offered insurance. This is often due to a lack of understanding of the importance of insurance and should be compared with the other necessities of life are in fact quite the 'less important'.

ADVICE: Try it analyzes your living expenses per month are 'stifling' it. Is there a need 'is not primary' who always spend? Is there a requirement that often spend less useful contents of your wallet? Try reducing the need, for example, slightly reducing the quota of money to buy pulses, hang out in cafes, shopping at the mall and set aside all of that to pay the insurance premium according to your needs. Guaranteed, your life will be safe and comfortable.

3. I'm still young, still healthy fit. I think do not need to take out everything .. "

Have you ever answered like this when offered insurance? The precise reason it if you currently do not need insurance because you're physically still look healthy, strong and rarely get sick. But the name illness or accident (sorry) the arrival of a sudden, without any perspective of young children or elderly people, rich or poor etc. Rayapun rich people who could instantly become poor because their wealth runs out to go to the doctor.

ADVICE: If you did not have enough money to insure your life or family, you should take insurance. Especially if you are still young, the premium you pay per month is certainly milder than those who are elderly. The insurance company assesses that the young have a lower risk of the disease in the elderly. So, when you are young, please take advantage of your time to have insurance that can ensure your comfort in the future.

4. "No ah. Just the same waste of money. Mending the money saved rather than take insurance .... "

Well, this may be the answer to the extreme with regard to pay insurance as an act of futility because it seemed a waste of money without any benefits. We must understand that insurance and savings basically have different benefits.

ADVICE: Again, understand first what it is and what the insurance savings. Both do have insurance benefits but more big plays when we are in a state of emergency as a result of something that happened suddenly. For savings, we will feel the benefits as already collected a lot in the long term. But for the insurance, we can feel the benefits immediately after we held the official policy (in accordance with the specified time the insurance company), even given according to our needs, not only for the premium that we paid.

5. "Insurance is a fraud. The company's own profit just want ... "

This answer shows that you only think of one-sided, that insurance company profits, but never thought about the advantages for our customers. Logically, any company the entire course aims to make a profit through the services / goods that they offer to consumers / customers.

ADVICE: Never judge everything we do not yet understand the whole. Keep in mind, all the things that would be borne by the insurance company and all its related information, all have stated in the policy. Therefore, our prospective customers are required to read and understand the contents of the policy and do not hesitate to ask the agent who offered if there are things that are not yet understood. With an understanding of the advantages and benefits of such insurance, our mind will be clear to determine whether we need to take out insurance or not.

6. "I do not want insurance. The process is complicated. They will reject my claim anyway ... "

Okay. This may be the reason that you experienced much less reasonable to have an insurance and when it is claimed, eh liquid turned out to be difficult or even declined for some reason. Well, once again, it's just a matter of understanding we will all insurance provided the insurance company that we follow. If you've actually read the insurance policy that you now hold?

ADVICE: Read your insurance policy once again. Do you understand the contents already? This is crucial when you have to deal with insurance companies to grant a claim for the problems being faced. Insurance companies have set points which it is responsible and which are not. If you have set as the policyholder legitimate auto insurance companies assume you are already familiar with everything that is stated in the policy, because you also have signed several documents on startup policy.



Have your claim was denied by the insurance company? Feel angry and disappointed because of the obligation to pay the premium alone is routine and never too late but the right really is not given? Well, actually there are a lot of things we need to understand together as insurance customers that the insurance company has different provisions currently bear the cost of customer claims. Why is there a claim that is easily administered and some are difficult disbursed even rejected? Here are some reasons that may be applicable in some or all types of insurance available:

1. The problem / disease you are not covered in the agreement (contract) of insurance

Consciously or not, is often experienced by insurance customers where they did not know exactly what is covered by insurance which they follow.

The example in the life insurance: in a written contract that if death due to accident / illness will be borne by the company. But if in fact the customer died when he did the crime, this is certainly not the responsibility of the insurance company again.

2. Your Claim Document is Incomplete

It is also important things that must be considered by the insurance customers. Before you make a claim, make sure that all existing supplementary documents so you do not need to waste time going back and forth taking care of it.

Examples of health insurance: when you want to claim the cost of a hospital, you should have a doctor's certificate that you are ill, claim letter of your own, as well as various other documents as complementary.

3. Your status is still in the Grace Period (Wait Time)

Grace preiod is the period from the date of issuance activation policy. Call it a rule that gives insurance for hospital care, the policy waiting period is 3 days. As for the critical illness policy waiting period is 90 days (3 months).

Examples in Health Insurance: Your policy published on 10 May 2015. If suddenly entered hospital for inpatient dated May 25, 2015, your claim will be denied. However, if within that time the accident occurred on the customer, the insurance company will accept your claim.

4. Policy Lapse you in a state (Off)

Policy Lapse means that your policy is not active because you are not disciplined in paying liability insurance premium was due. Therefore, the insurance company has the right not to pay a claim you filed. Call it insurance if you are maturing within 3 months of consecutive no premium payment.

The example in the property insurance: One time, store your gold fire because of electrical surge. And you've been late paying insurance premiums for 5 consecutive months. Automatically as you claim, the insurance company will not grant the claim because you have violated the rules of the contract.

5. You Accidentally Doing 'Crime' Insurance

Crime insurance is less commendable action that is done deliberately in order to obtain disbursement of money claims. Never commit a crime like this because of the insurance company also has a filter information and data is so strong that if you are found to have violated the terms of action, you will only receive severe legal sanctions.

The example in the life insurance: A child (heir insurance) accidentally kills his father (the insured party) just to get a large amount of money claims. If this action is known by the insurance company, your claim will be denied even you could be criminalized for having committed a crime plan.

6. You in the Pre Existing Condition (Existing Conditions)

Pre Existing Condition is a condition you were in accordance with reality, for example in the case of illness. It relates to customer honesty when filling out the form when registering insurance history of the disease. Is expected to provide information according to the situation so that later when the claim is not experiencing problems.

Examples of health insurance: the customer has a history of shortness of breath, but he hid this fact. After 4 months of holding the policy, he filed a claim for blown relapse, of course the insurance company will reject the claim because it was not previously recorded in medical history.

The above items are just a few things that the reason for rejection of claims by insurance companies. There are still many other things that may have not been mentioned here, adapted to the type of insurance and the companies that issue them. With the above facts, it is very important for policyholders to study the contract carefully so as not to feel disadvantaged in the future.

In my opinion, it's the same insured by investing for the future. Suppose we have a health insurance means that we have the investment money to ensure our health care costs in the future. Living conditions can change at any time without being able we thought previously. Currently, I personally have health insurance that I expected to be useful in the future when needed. Provided that pay premiums smoothly and on time, the claim that we proposed (in accordance with the issues covered) would be granted by the insurance company.

Broadly speaking, some of the main benefits if we have insurance are:

Guaranteed protection in the event of a disaster, such as illness, accidents, fires etc.
Educate us to be wise in managing money for paying insurance premiums together with the savings to ensure the future.
Make your old age more calm and comfortable because of the insurance, your life is guaranteed, either by the health funds or pension funds, in accordance with the selected insurance.
Insurance education will benefit greatly reduce the burden on us in the future as the cost of education of children getting more expensive over time.
Provide assurance and serenity to your beloved family when customers are insured dies so relatives / heirs can get the insurance money in accordance with the agreement / contract.
Hopefully, the public is increasingly aware of insurance, especially those considered to be an emergency at this time is the health or life insurance that have enormous benefits to our everyday life. This will greatly help the public, which is currently going on condition that caused the financial crisis versatile goods expensive, especially for the cost to the doctor or hospital. Yes, when considered as a whole, it is burdening us with the insurance premium to be paid for any period of time (eg every month) in accordance with the provisions. But we are going to get the benefit was also great and our future was more secure.

Never underestimate insurance. To be sure the insurance that we select, check out insurance companies that offer, whether it has the quality and the market growth is good or not. Furthermore, the study also rules in the policy that we do not feel cheated by agents or companies that offer insurance. After mantab with insurance companies and understand the points that the insured in the policy, please select obligations to pay the premium per month in accordance with the ability (income) you. Finally, soon a list of insurance according to your preferences and needs.
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Being an Insurance Agent, Why Not?

Being an Insurance Agent, Why Not?

Being an insurance agent is a choice with full awareness. It is the fruit and the culmination of books on entrepreneurship that I read. Being an insurance agent is not merely a profession whose edges money alone, but the expression of idealism.

This is a real school and college for entrepreneurs. I which has been struggling in the theoretical world want to experience. I do not want to just be observers as generally academics. I want to become an actor. If this is arguably the research, then this participatory research.

Frankly I was much inspired by Robert T. Kiyosaki. For those who dwell in the world of education, I gasped when Kiyosaki deliver theoretical scheme and a very sharp criticism on the world of education today. I was also fascinated when he explained the results of his research on network.And business is still much more that kept me restless and eventually do.

In this context, be an insurance agent is the real practice of the theories that I read. Simpelnya, talk to the insurance profession, if you want I explained the actual length is associated with the world am I in all this time, the world of education. Other times I can tell longer.

Insurance business included in a business network according to research by Robert T. Kiyosaki teaches many benefits for the perpetrators. An agent trained not just selling the ends of money. But there are also a lot of learning is absorbed among others: training leads, practice building a network, communicating with people, subjecting emotion, exercise patience, and much more. In essence, becoming an insurance agent is a real learning process in the face of reality.

How to manage his time? Frankly I was very busy. My main profession as a teacher requires me to devote more energy and mind with all sense of responsibility. Moreover, where I teach is the campus of Muhammadiyah. Teaching at this college is no longer just a profession in exchange for a salary. But a mandate to pursue the way of propaganda.

Because of the busyness that then I chose the online media, mainly through www.insurance.cloverspade.com blog is to inform while offering insurance products at the same time educate the public about the importance of insurance. Nevertheless, however busy I am still puts a moral responsibility on my clients. Qualification as I live I hope be additional ammunition to provide the best services for our customers.

Here I also want to invite to the community, especially for those who are still unemployed to join the insurance agent. I was not idle, and I like the liver to undergo a job as an insurance agent. How is unemployed then just sit on my hands. Believe me, becoming an insurance agent was more promising future than you are looking for work as an employee.

Being an insurance agent is the easiest way to become an entrepreneur (intrepreneur). Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga said that the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only about 1.65 percent of the population today. Dibadningkan far behind neighboring countries, such as Singapore by seven per cent, five per cent of Malaysia, and Thailand four percent.

Insurance for Collateral Debt

Insurance for Collateral Debt

Are You a bussiness man? You have a debt in the bank? As long as you good health and long life is probably no problem. But what if suddenly there is a risk? Ill, for example, an accident, or even death? Who will pay the debt? Are we going to leave the burden is so great on my wife and kids? So what's the solution?

I created this article on the true story of one client only. He told me that he had a debt of 2.5 billion in the bank. She was worried if anything happened to him. He did not want his children to bear the risk. Eventually he was looking for the cheapest insurance with a sum insured 3 billion. He ubek-ubek several insurance companies, he's compare notes, and ... it turns out the cheapest only in Allianz.

The respective age 43 years, he wants a premium 2 million per month. After I tried Make illustration was entered. Only by saving / premium 2 million per month he could get the sum assured (UP) of 2.5 billion. Very cheap. It has the following payor benefit rider which means that if at any time he was attacked by one of the 49 critical illnesses and make it unable to make a living then it is free of premium.
So insurance can be yes for "collateral" loans in the bank. With a list of the relevant insurance and family certainly be quiet. If you have similar problems, then do not delay, immediately take these practical solutions.

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance For You

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance For You

How To Chose Best Health Insurance

Health insurance is one of the most sought-after insurance people. How do I choose to get the best health insurance? Many of the problems faced when choosing health insurance.
Insurance is not user-friendly products such as gadgets, without the need to read the manual book, overnight wear can instantly. Insurance is a product that features and complex provisions. It takes understanding and foresight when choosing health #asuransi. So that selected the best products, best suited to the needs of the participants. Not because of pressure or inducement agent friend.
To be able to select and evaluate properly, participants need to know first how to choose the best health insurance. Here are a few tips that you can follow. Hope you can help.

1. Wearing Cashless Systems
Is a cashless system of reimbursement claims using the card. By showing cashless card, health insurance participants do not have to bail out the payment of hospital bills when hospitalized. This cashless different from the reimbursement system. With reimbursement, the participant must pay the bill first and then apply for reimbursement to insurance.
M any experience shows the reimbursement process is not practical. Therefore, a cashless system is preferable. Search using cashless health insurance. If the insurance only provides reimbursement system, be sure to understand the process in the future should claim hospital bills.

2. Received By All Hospitals
Make sure any hospital that accepts the claim of the health insurance. Find health insurance can receive claims from all hospitals at home and abroad. Normally the health insurance already has a list of hospitals that cooperation with them. The more the better cooperation.
Due to a cashless system, described in the previous point 1, can only be used in hospitals that have partnership with the insurance. Cashless system must be followed by the number of hospital cooperation much so that optimum benefits.

3. Family Health Insurance
Choose an insurance company that provides family health insurance. What does it mean? When one family, for example, 3 members, filed then only needed one health insurance policy. All the family members included in a family health insurance policy. With only one policy for one family, the premiums will be much cheaper, than each member must buy a policy on their own.
For example, this is the real case, there is a family of 4 people. They filed a class-room health insurance 500 thousand. With family health insurance, total premium is $ 20 million a year. While, if you buy their own policies, total premiums for 4 people is $ 48 million a year.
To know more, for example, read an example of how the Family Health Insurance. What is important when looking for health insurance, you should take that could make one policy for one family.

4. How Replacement Claims Works
Generally, there are two types of replacement, namely:
Firstly, reimbursement is based on a bill the cost of care in hospitals. Health insurance set a separate limit for the room charges, doctor's fees, cost of medication, lab costs, operating costs, the cost of specialists and others. With this scheme, participants will not experience overplafond (which replaced the smaller of the bill) so it should menombok of its own money.
Second, daily hospitalization (cash plan). This type does not see how the bill from the hospital. When sick, the amount of reimbursement from insurance fixed amount, that is equal to the daily compensation multiplied by the number of days hospitalized. The risk is that the participant must spend alone if a large bill.
Both types have advantages and disadvantages. The second type is usually the premiums are relatively inexpensive compared to the first. Most importantly, when there are proposals offer health insurance, you understand the type of replacement which are offered. So they can make decisions correctly.

5. Terms Hospitalization
Note hospitalization requirement imposed by the insurer. See details in the policy or ask your agent when it submitted a proposal to you.
Many think that every hospitalization it will definitely replace health insurance. True but no terms. These requirements are necessary to find out because it can vary from one insurance company to another.
The important thing to ask is as follows:
 Hospitalization should be done in a hospital. If hospitalization in the clinic, the insurance company will not reimburse. Make sure the insurance side, what constitutes hospital.
 How long hospitalization is required in order to claim insurance to eksehatan. There is a set one day of hospitalization can be claimed, but there is that requires a minimum of 2 days of hospitalization. There are only in the ER (no need to enter the first room) for at least a few hours, it can be claimed, there is not.

Health insurance is an insurance product that is quite complex because many of its provisions as well as the disclaimer. Unfortunately, many do not want to read the policy and lazy to learn to understand the choice of insurance products. As a result, the choice is often less than optimal (expensive premiums, benefits small and others), which led to complaints useless when inpatient claims were not replaced as expected.
Prospective participants should understand and study it carefully. If possible many read reference in order to get the best insurance options.